New ideas for connecting with your audience
Today, the need for client and employee connection has never been greater. Yet, we can no longer rely on the face-to-face meetings, trade shows, events or holiday parties we once did. But through video, websites, online events or even direct mail – brands are pivoting to reach their audience with what resonates today. Planning and budgeting for 2021 is now upon us and we have the daunting task of choosing what to invest in a landscape that continues to change at record speed.
Join us for a live event at Live Oak AV studios via Zoom as we share ideas as to how to adapt your marketing approach to connect with your audiences and communicate your brand value effectively. Along with the presentation, we will open the discussion to the audience to share ideas and thoughts for marketing in 2021.
More about this event
Attendees will take away:
· New ideas for connecting with your audience
· Evaluating marketing priorities for 2021
· Recent, creative client project examples
· How to focus more on digital platforms
· Idea exchange with marketing peers